Doing Your Expenses Should Be Super Easy

  Lucy Kellaway from Financial Times recently wrote an article called ‘Hidden costs of hellish schemes for claiming expenses’. This article deeply resonated with me on many levels! You see, Expense8 is a system developed by an organisation with over 20 years experience in the Expense Management game, and the key message echoed through Lucy’s article is one I hear more often than I enjoy roast dinners. I’d love to take this opportunity to provide Lucy, and many others who were lucky enough to read her article,

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Save Money Through User Friendly Expense Management

  User Friendly Software is the New Black If it’s not on the agenda when purchasing new IT systems, it should be! ‘User Friendliness’ focuses on your software product’s intuitiveness, efficiency and simplicity. But user friendliness is more than just simplicity, it’s about saving users time and saving your organisation money! People with less advanced IT knowledge are in my opinion the best people to evaluate if a product is user friendly or not. Their reliance on clear and logical screen design and behavior is far greater

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The Art of Automating Your Processes

Let’s face it – every finance department out there is in the same boat. We’re all pressed for time, trying to reduce costs and maximise output. The real art is to balance the traditional way of cutting overhead and generating revenue with new ways of automating tedious and costly Business as Usual processes. Automating these tasks will not only reduce costs, but also boost efficiency in your finance department as well as your organisation overall. Here are 3 reasons why you should focus on investing in automation:

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Take a closer look at Expense8